A modest proposal
This essay is about the relation about the fairness and justice between the story of a modest proposal and the reflect in the story.
This story took place in Ireland in the 1720s,this place was going through an economic crisis and anybody gave a plan to solve this problem, this is when a men named Jonathan Swift had a really original idea to solve the crisis and the problem of a lot of people that live there,in this place was very big problems,desorders,and exist a lot of pooverty people that was bigger that the rich people, the economic situation there are most big problem.
The "modest" proposal of Jhonatan Swift it was the opposite of modest because a person is modest if he or she is very successful but does not call attention to this and Jhonatan did not do that and that is a fact.
The proposal of Jhonatan Swift was that the poor women who had babies under a certain age need to sell their babies to rich people for them to eat them, he explain that is a good way to low the population and to feed people, he was really sure about his thought and he thought that it was the right thing to do.
For me the values of fairness and justice do not exist in this situation because Jhonatan Swift propose a "solution" only for a group of persons not for everyone because the kids did not have grow and have a future only for feed another people stomach and the sadness and suffer of the families of this childrens.The kids did not have any idea of what happen whit their lives is really sad that a men only think on a group of person if he born knowing that he will e kill soon he will be not agree whit that propose.That thought of Jhonatan was a clear explample of the injustice and unfairness that exist in this decades of the word, the act of humans eat another little human are a really sick act that put the country in a really bad position of a city wit values and love, anyone deserves that steal his life whit out permission and for people that have the resources,the money, the capacity to buy another kind of food that did not be another innocent kid that deserve to stay alive.
This story took place in Ireland in the 1720s,this place was going through an economic crisis and anybody gave a plan to solve this problem, this is when a men named Jonathan Swift had a really original idea to solve the crisis and the problem of a lot of people that live there,in this place was very big problems,desorders,and exist a lot of pooverty people that was bigger that the rich people, the economic situation there are most big problem.
The "modest" proposal of Jhonatan Swift it was the opposite of modest because a person is modest if he or she is very successful but does not call attention to this and Jhonatan did not do that and that is a fact.
The proposal of Jhonatan Swift was that the poor women who had babies under a certain age need to sell their babies to rich people for them to eat them, he explain that is a good way to low the population and to feed people, he was really sure about his thought and he thought that it was the right thing to do.
For me the values of fairness and justice do not exist in this situation because Jhonatan Swift propose a "solution" only for a group of persons not for everyone because the kids did not have grow and have a future only for feed another people stomach and the sadness and suffer of the families of this childrens.The kids did not have any idea of what happen whit their lives is really sad that a men only think on a group of person if he born knowing that he will e kill soon he will be not agree whit that propose.That thought of Jhonatan was a clear explample of the injustice and unfairness that exist in this decades of the word, the act of humans eat another little human are a really sick act that put the country in a really bad position of a city wit values and love, anyone deserves that steal his life whit out permission and for people that have the resources,the money, the capacity to buy another kind of food that did not be another innocent kid that deserve to stay alive.